720 research outputs found

    Aggregate Supply and Demand, Fundamental Variables of the Macroeconomic Prediciton

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    The macroeconomic prediction has extremely important, complex and difficult objectives in a competitive economy and that is due to a multitude of reasons. In this context, we estimated the fact that a key-role can be attribute to the anticipation and the projection of some essential balances of the development, process which is at the basis of the prospective study of the behaviors of the aggregate demand and offer – the concepts and the variables with the highest degree of generalization from the study of the economy and not only. We started in our study, from the analytical basics of the aggregate demand and offer, we pointed out the dependence of the production and of the prices on the interaction of the aggregate demand and offer, we used as working instruments the curves of the aggregate demand and supply and we outlines the consequences of the variation of the two sized under different circumstances.aggregate demand, aggregate supply, balance price, potential production

    Geography of waste as a new approach in waste management study

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    Municipal waste management in the last two decades has become a global environmental priority in the context of increasing amounts of waste generated due to the development of a mass consumer society. Various issues of waste management , territorial and temporal variability, spatial analysis of treatment or disposal facilities, systemic implications on the environment, the harmonization of international policy at national, regional and local level are solid arguments for studying this field by geography. Mostly technical or economic studies, lacking a vision of territory are supplemented in the conceptual and methodological level by geographers. This paper performed on the one hand, an overview of various approaches in current literature on waste management issue and on another hand analyses the geographical contributions in this field. Our conclusions lead to the idea that waste management must be performed according to the geographical features of the territory concerned

    Quantitative assessment of household waste disposed in floodplains of rivers from extra-Carpathian region of Neamt county, Romania

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    "This paper aims to develop a method which estimates the amounts of household waste disposed (HWD) by rural localities in floodplains of rivers from subcarpathian sector ( Bistrița, Cracău, Ozana) and also from coridor valleys sector of Moldova and Siret rivers. This approach takes into the consideration the average distance between the outer limits of buil-up area (village) and floodplain (river) in order to calculate the specific indicators. This method is applied for 2003 and 2010 with a view to highlight the potential impact of illegal dumping on rivers sectors from extra-Carpathian region between pre-accession and post-accession periods. Poor waste management facilities from rural areas lead to this bad practice which prevailed during 2003-2009. Recent improvements in this sector, particularly after the closure of rural dumpsites (16 July 2009) will mitigate this environmental threat which it is also specific to others rural regions from Romania." (author's abstract

    Tourism implications on local waste management: case study: Neamt County, Romania

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    The paper examines tourism as potential source of waste generation in urban and rural areas from Neam County. An assessment method is proposed and the final result is mapping the process at local scale. In order to analyze the tourism impact on local waste management system, the waste generated by tourists (estimated values) is related to local household waste generation. This paper outlines the disparities within cities and communes and it also analyses the bad practices of tourists supported by field observations

    Quantitative assessment method of illegal dumping în small rivers: case study: Neamt County, Romania

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    Poor waste management facilities from Romanian rural areas lead to uncontrolled waste disposal on improper sites. These bad practices are frequently in the the proximity of built-up areas , therefore, the small rivers inside these areas are susceptible to waste dumping. The paper aims to develop a quantitative assessment method of waste disposed into such small rivers from extra-Carpathian region of Neamț county. The lack of organized waste collection services from 2003 lead to high values of waste disposed in such rivers frequently over 15 t/yr for each one. Despite some improvements compared to 2003 the small rivers inside built-up areas of villages are still highly exposed to waste dumping. The values vary depending on demographic and geographic features of each locality and on the other side, due to the presence of an organized waste collection system.The results and comparative analysis between 2003 and 2010 show some positive changes but the illegal dumping issue is far from being eliminated

    Assessment of COVID-19 Waste Flows During the Emergency State in Romania and Related Public Health and Environmental Concerns

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    This paper provides a rapid assessment method of potentially infectious waste flow related to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic in Romania focusing on the emergency state (from 16 March to 14 May 2020) where a national lockdown was in force with restrictive and social distancing measures concerning population mobility and economic activities. Medical and municipal waste management systems are critical services in combating the virus spread in the community. This assessment is useful due to poor available data of medical waste flow in environmental reports and it covers COVID-19 patients, quarantined, and self-isolated persons as the main potential infectious waste sources. The proposed model estimates that COVID-19 related waste flow is 4312 t at the national level from 25 February to 15 June of which 2633 t in the emergency state period. This assessment is correlated with deficiencies of medical and municipal waste management systems in Romania before the COVID-19 pandemic as stress factors of public health and environment. This study points out the main challenges of waste operators and reveals some best practices during this pandemic crisis. Based on the results and discussion section, several recommendations are proposed to COVID-19 waste-related issues and points out the crucial role of the reliable medical and municipal waste database in managing such biologic hazards at national and EU levels. Monitoring of COVID-19 waste flow through such models are important for decision-makers, particularly in low and middle-income countries which are facing waste management deficiencies and gaps in waste statistics, to reduce other contamination risks or related environmental threats

    Population access to waste collection services: urban vs rural areas in Romania

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    This paper aims a comparative analysis at county level concerning urban and rural population access to sanitation services in the context of EU accession. Partially coverage of population to such services contributes to illegal dumping of waste generated and uncollected.Furthermore, waste management facilities are inappropriate, particularly in small cities or rural areas. Comparative analysis of urban vs. rural population served by waste collection services using thematic cartography highlights on the one hand the existing disparities within a county and on the other hand reflects the regional disparities across Romania.The demographic, socioeconomic and geographic differentiations between urban and rural areas amplify these gaps that prevent from implementation of an effective waste management system at national scale.Thematic maps highlights that urban population is not fully covered by sanitation services while in rural areas less than half of population has access to these services. Also,in some counties, vulnerability to illegal dumping is high in both rural and urban areas